What You Need to Know About 20ft Shipping Containers

A 20ft shipping container

Discover everything you need to know about 20ft shipping containers in this comprehensive guide.

Shipping containers are an essential component in international trade, as they are used to transport goods across the globe. You might have also come across these containers being used in innovative and eco-friendly ways, like as affordable building material for modern homes. But have you ever wondered about the specifics of these containers? In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about 20ft shipping containers, including their dimensions, types, uses, advantages, buying vs. renting, and customization options.

Understanding the Basics of 20ft Shipping Containers

Dimensions and Specifications

The standard 20ft shipping container has a width of 8ft, a height of 8ft 6in, and a length of 20ft. These dimensions are set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO is an independent, non-governmental organization that develops and publishes international standards for different industries, including shipping. The ISO sets the standards for shipping containers to ensure that they are compatible with different types of transportation modes, including ship, truck, or train.

Other specifications that apply universally to shipping containers include its corner castings, locking mechanisms, and vertical corrugated steel walls. The corner castings are the metal fittings located at the corners of the container that allow the container to be lifted and secured during transportation. The locking mechanisms ensure that the container is securely locked during transportation, preventing theft or damage to the cargo. The vertical corrugated steel walls provide strength and durability to the container, making it suitable for harsh weather conditions, such as wind, water, and fire.

Types of 20ft Shipping Containers

There are different types of 20ft shipping containers, each designed to cater to specific needs. The most common ones include:

  • Standard Dry Containers: These are the most common type of shipping containers and are used for general cargo. They have double doors on one end and are made of steel, making them strong and durable.
  • High Cube Containers: These are similar to standard containers but have an extra foot of height, providing more space for tall cargo. They are ideal for transporting furniture, machinery, and other large items.
  • Reefer Containers: These are refrigerated containers designed for transporting perishable products, such as fruits, vegetables, and medicines. They have a built-in refrigeration unit that maintains a specific temperature range, ensuring that the cargo remains fresh during transportation.
  • Open Top Containers: These containers have an open top, which allows bulky cargo that cannot fit through the container’s doors to be loaded from the top. They are ideal for transporting heavy machinery, vehicles, and other large items.
  • Flat Rack Containers: These containers are designed for the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo, e.g., machinery. They have collapsible sides that make it easy to load and unload cargo, making them ideal for transporting heavy and bulky items.

Common Uses and Applications

Shipping containers are commonly used in the transportation and storage of goods. However, they are increasingly being used in different creative ways, such as:

  • Building emergency shelters and disaster relief homes: Shipping containers are being used to build emergency shelters and disaster relief homes in areas affected by natural disasters. They are easy to transport and can be quickly assembled, providing a temporary solution to housing needs.
  • Building modern and eco-friendly homes and offices: Shipping containers are being used to build modern and eco-friendly homes and offices. They are cost-effective, durable, and can be customized to meet specific design needs.
  • Creating pop-up shops, bars, and restaurants: Shipping containers are being used to create pop-up shops, bars, and restaurants in urban areas. They are portable, easy to customize, and provide a unique and trendy atmosphere.
  • Setting up temporary hospitals and medical clinics: Shipping containers are being used to set up temporary hospitals and medical clinics in areas affected by natural disasters or in remote areas with limited access to medical facilities. They are easy to transport, provide a secure and sterile environment, and can be quickly assembled.

Advantages of Using 20ft Shipping Containers

Versatility and Flexibility

One of the significant advantages of using shipping containers is their versatility and flexibility. Shipping containers can easily be modified to suit different needs, e.g., adding doors, windows, partitions, and insulation. This makes them ideal for different types of applications, such as housing, offices, and storage units. Additionally, shipping containers can be easily transported and relocated to different locations.

For example, shipping containers can be converted into pop-up shops, cafes, and restaurants. They can also be used as mobile medical clinics and classrooms in remote areas. Shipping containers can also be stacked on top of each other to create multi-story buildings, making them an excellent option for urban areas with limited space.


Compared to traditional building materials, such as bricks and concrete, shipping containers are more affordable. This is because they are readily available and require less labor and materials to construct. Additionally, shipping containers are durable and can last for up to 25 years with regular maintenance.

Moreover, shipping containers can be used to build affordable housing and emergency shelters for people in need. In disaster-prone areas, shipping containers can be used to construct disaster-resistant buildings that can withstand earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters.

Durability and Security

Shipping containers are made of corrosion-resistant steel, which makes them durable and resistant to harsh weather conditions, including wind, water, and fire. Additionally, shipping containers are designed to be secure, with multiple locking mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and theft.

Furthermore, shipping containers can be used to build secure storage units for businesses and individuals. They can also be used to construct data centers and server rooms, where security is of utmost importance.


Shipping containers are eco-friendly, as they can be repurposed and reused, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Additionally, using shipping containers for construction reduces the need for traditional building materials that are energy-intensive to produce and transport.

Moreover, shipping containers can be used to build eco-friendly homes and buildings that are energy-efficient and sustainable. They can be fitted with solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and green roofs to reduce their environmental impact.

In conclusion, shipping containers offer numerous advantages over traditional building materials, making them an excellent option for a wide range of applications. From affordable housing to disaster-resistant buildings, shipping containers offer versatility, cost-effectiveness, durability, security, and eco-friendliness.

Buying vs. Renting 20ft Shipping Containers

Factors to Consider

When it comes to deciding whether to buy or rent a shipping container, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important factors is the duration of use. If you need a container for an extended period, buying may be a more suitable option. However, if you only need a container for a short time, renting may be a better choice.

Another factor to consider is the frequency of use. If you need a container for multiple applications, buying may be a more cost-effective option in the long run. On the other hand, if you only need a container for a single application, renting may be a more affordable choice.

Storage needs are also an important consideration. If you have specific storage requirements, buying a container may be the best option as it provides the opportunity for customization. However, if your storage needs are more general, renting a container may be a more convenient choice.

Finally, budget is a significant factor to consider. Buying a shipping container can be costly, especially if you need a customized container. Maintenance costs can also add up over time. Renting a container is usually more affordable, and maintenance costs are typically covered by the rental company. However, renting costs can add up over time if you need the container for an extended period.

Pros and Cons of Buying

Buying a shipping container has its advantages. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to customize the container to meet your specific needs. Whether you need additional windows, doors, or ventilation, you can modify a purchased container to suit your requirements. Additionally, if you need a container for an extended period or multiple applications, buying may be a more cost-effective option in the long run.

However, buying a shipping container can be costly. The initial purchase price of a container can be expensive, especially if you need a customized container. Maintenance costs can also add up over time, and you will need to factor in the cost of repairs, cleaning, and repainting.

Pros and Cons of Renting

Renting a shipping container has its advantages as well. One of the most significant advantages is affordability. Renting a container is usually more affordable compared to buying, especially if you only need the container for a short time. Additionally, maintenance costs are typically covered by the rental company, which can save you money in the long run.

However, rental containers may not be customizable. If you have specific storage requirements, you may not be able to find a rental container that meets your needs. Additionally, rental costs can add up over time if you need the container for an extended period.

Customizing Your 20ft Shipping Container

Shipping containers have become increasingly popular over the years due to their durability, affordability, and versatility. They are primarily used for transporting goods across the globe, but they can also be customized to suit different applications.

Container Modifications

One of the most significant advantages of using shipping containers is their ability to be easily modified. The modifications can range from simple additions such as doors, windows, vents, insulation, and partitions to more complex modifications such as plumbing and electrical systems. These modifications allow shipping containers to be used as homes, offices, shops, and even swimming pools!

For instance, if you are planning to use a shipping container as a home, you can add insulation to regulate the temperature inside the container. You can also add windows and doors to allow natural light and air to flow into the container. Furthermore, you can add a partition to create separate rooms for different purposes.

Container Accessories

In addition to modifications, container accessories are additional features that can be added to shipping containers to improve their functionality and aesthetic appeal. Common accessories include locks, lighting, shelving, and air conditioning.

For instance, if you are planning to use a shipping container as an office, you can add air conditioning to regulate the temperature inside the container. You can also add lighting to create a conducive working environment. Furthermore, you can add shelving to store your office supplies and equipment.

Creative Uses and Designs

With the versatility of shipping containers, there’s no limit to the creative ways they can be used and designed. Shipping containers can be transformed into modern and eco-friendly homes, offices, and even art galleries. The possibilities are endless!

For instance, you can use a shipping container as a pop-up shop to showcase your products. You can also use a shipping container as a mobile restaurant or coffee shop. Additionally, you can use a shipping container as a swimming pool in your backyard.

The design possibilities are also limitless. You can paint the container in your favorite colors or add murals to create a unique look. You can also add a rooftop garden or solar panels to make your shipping container eco-friendly.

In conclusion, shipping containers are an excellent option if you are looking for a durable, affordable, and versatile structure. With the right modifications and accessories, shipping containers can be transformed into anything you want them to be. Let your imagination run wild!


Shipping containers are versatile, affordable, durable, and eco-friendly. They can be used for different applications, from transportation and storage to modern homes and offices. To decide if buying or renting a shipping container is the best option for you, consider factors such as duration of use, frequency of use, storage needs, and budget. With container modifications, accessories, and creative designs, the possibilities for shipping containers are endless.

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