The Ultimate Guide for Buying Shipping Containers

How to buy a shipping container guide

Looking to buy shipping containers? Look no further than our comprehensive guide.

Are you thinking about purchasing a shipping container for storage or transportation purposes? Maybe you want to create a unique living or workspace. Whatever your reason for considering a shipping container, it’s essential to understand what you’re buying before making a purchase. In this ultimate guide “How to buy a Shipping Container?”, we’ll cover everything you need to know about buying shipping containers.

How To Buy A Shipping Container Online?

Shipping containers are an essential part of the global trade industry, facilitating the transportation of goods across the world. These stackable metal boxes are designed to withstand harsh ocean conditions while protecting the contents inside. They have revolutionized the way goods are transported, making it faster, safer, and more efficient.

Shipping containers come in various sizes and types, each designed to meet specific transportation needs. The most common types of shipping containers are standard dry containers, refrigerated containers, and open-top containers.

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Types of Shipping Containers

Dry containers are the most common container type and used for the transportation of goods and materials. They are designed to be airtight and watertight, ensuring that the contents inside remain safe and dry throughout the journey. Dry containers come in various sizes, ranging from 10 feet to 53 feet in length.

Refrigerated containers, also known as reefers, are temperature-controlled containers used for shipping perishable goods such as fruits, vegetables, and medicine. They are equipped with a refrigeration unit that maintains a specific temperature range, ensuring that the contents inside remain fresh throughout the journey. Reefers come in various sizes, ranging from 20 feet to 40 feet in length.

Common Shipping Container Sizes

Shipping containers come in different sizes, ranging from 10 feet to 53 feet in length. The most common size for shipping containers is 20 feet and 40 feet. These standard sizes are widely available and typically more affordable than non-standard sizes. However, depending on the transportation needs, non-standard sizes may be required.

For example, some companies may require high cube containers, which are taller than standard containers, allowing for more vertical storage space. Others may require open-top containers, which have a removable top, making it easier to load and unload oversized cargo.

Shipping Container Materials

Shipping containers are made of strong, durable, and corrosion-resistant steel. High-quality steel ensures the container is robust enough to withstand harsh weather conditions and protect the contents inside. The most commonly used types of steel are weathering steel or corten steel, and stainless steel.

Weathering steel, also known as corten steel, is a high-strength, low-alloy steel that is designed to form a protective layer of rust when exposed to the elements. This layer of rust acts as a barrier, preventing further corrosion and extending the life of the container.

Stainless steel, on the other hand, is a corrosion-resistant steel that contains chromium, which forms a thin layer of oxide on the surface of the steel. This layer of oxide acts as a barrier, preventing further corrosion and ensuring the container remains in excellent condition for years to come.

New vs. Used Shipping Containers

When purchasing a shipping container, one of the most important decisions is whether to buy a new or used container. New shipping containers have never been used and come in excellent condition. They tend to be more expensive than used shipping containers.

Used shipping containers come in various conditions and may require repairs, maintenance, or cleaning. However, they are significantly more cost-effective and serve the same purpose as new containers. Used containers are an excellent option for those who need a container for storage or transportation but have a limited budget.

It is essential to inspect used containers thoroughly before purchasing to ensure that they are in good condition. Some common issues to look out for include rust, dents, and leaks. It is also important to consider the age of the container, as older containers may require more maintenance and repairs.

In conclusion, shipping containers are an essential part of the global trade industry, facilitating the transportation of goods across the world. They come in various sizes and types, each designed to meet specific transportation needs. Whether you choose a new or used container, it is important to ensure that it is in good condition and meets your transportation needs.

Preparing for Your Shipping Container Purchase

Before purchasing a shipping container, there are several factors to consider to make the most out of your investment. Shipping containers can be used for a variety of purposes, including transportation, storage, offices, and even living spaces. They are a versatile and cost-effective solution for many different needs.

Assessing Your Needs

Assessing your needs is the first step in determining what type of shipping container is right for you. If you’re using it for transportation, you’ll need to consider the size and weight capacity of the container. For storage, you’ll need to determine how much space you need and if you require any additional features, such as shelving or climate control. If you’re using it for an office or living space, you’ll need to consider things like insulation, ventilation, and electrical systems.

Determining Your Budget

Cost is an essential factor when it comes to purchasing a shipping container. It’s crucial to determine your budget before you start exploring options. Shipping container prices can vary significantly depending on the type, size, condition, and location. New containers will typically cost more than used containers, and customizations or additional features will increase the price. However, investing in a high-quality container can save you money in the long run by providing a durable and secure solution.

Choosing the Right Supplier

Choosing the right supplier is essential to ensure you receive a high-quality container that meets your needs. Look for suppliers with experience and a good reputation. Check reviews and ask for references. Make sure to ask if they deliver and if there are any additional costs. A reputable supplier will be able to guide you through the purchasing process and answer any questions you may have.

Local Regulations and Permits

Before purchasing a shipping container, it’s important to check with your local authorities for any regulations or permits required for storing or living in a shipping container. Some areas may have specific zoning laws or building codes you need to comply with. It’s essential to ensure that you are following all the necessary regulations to avoid any legal issues or fines.

By taking the time to assess your needs, determine your budget, choose the right supplier, and check local regulations and permits, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a shipping container. With the right container, you can create a versatile and functional space that meets your unique needs.

Inspecting Shipping Containers

Now that you’ve decided on the container type, size, and budget, it’s essential to inspect the container’s condition before purchasing it. Shipping containers are designed to withstand harsh environments and long journeys, but they can still be subject to wear and tear.

Structural Integrity

The structural integrity of the container is crucial. Check for any signs of damage, such as dents, rust, or holes. It’s also essential to check the corners, where most damage usually occurs. Make sure that the container is not twisted, as this can affect its stability and strength.

It’s important to note that minor dents and scratches are common in used containers and are usually not a cause for concern. However, if the damage is severe, it can compromise the container’s structural integrity and make it unsuitable for use.

Doors and Locks

The container’s doors and locks play a critical role in securing the contents inside. Make sure they function correctly and are easy to open and lock. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as rust or loose hinges.

It’s also essential to check the door seals to ensure that they are intact and provide an airtight seal. If the seals are damaged or missing, it can lead to moisture and pests entering the container, causing damage to the contents inside.

Flooring and Roofing

Check the container’s flooring and roofing for any damage or leaks. The flooring should be flat and sturdy, with no soft spots or cracks. The roofing should be airtight and without any visible holes or cracks.

It’s worth noting that some containers may have plywood flooring, which is prone to moisture damage and rot. If the plywood is damaged, it will need to be replaced to ensure the container’s structural integrity.

Signs of Damage or Repairs

Inspect the container for any signs of repairs, such as patchwork or welding. While minor repairs are common, it’s essential to ensure that significant repairs have been appropriately completed. Check for any signs of wear and tear, as this may indicate poor maintenance or neglect.

It’s also worth checking the container’s history to see if it has been involved in any accidents or incidents that may have caused damage. This information can help you make an informed decision about whether the container is suitable for your needs.

By thoroughly inspecting the container before purchasing it, you can ensure that you get a high-quality container that meets your needs and provides a safe and secure storage solution.


Purchasing a shipping container can be a practical investment for various purposes. It’s essential to understand the type, size, and condition of the container you need before making a purchase. Remember to assess your needs, determine your budget, choose the right supplier, and inspect the container’s condition thoroughly. With a little research and careful consideration, you can find the perfect shipping container to meet your needs.

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